Ema Skálová-搜索结果

  • 父亲学校 Škola otců


    导演:拉吉斯拉夫·黑尔格   编剧:拉吉斯拉夫·黑尔格, Ivan Kríz

    主演:伊日娜·博赫达洛娃, 卢博米尔·科斯特尔卡, Eman Fiala, Ema Skálová, Arnost Faltýnek, 史黛拉·查娜克娃, Jirí Valenta, Eliska Svobodová

      Criticism of the system tended to be oblique prior to 1968, when the reform Communism of the Prague Spring effectively abolished censorship but continued to fund its filmmakers. Nonetheless, there were some powerful works even before this. A director of the older generation, Ladislav Helge (b. 1927), made some strong internal criticisms with his film Skola otcu (School for Fath...